Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Collar and Lead discount offer

With the economy like it is I've decided to give all my blog followers a 20% discount on orders of $50 or more! To qualify, join my blog here and I will then email you privately the code number for you to then use on any mail or paypal order (for paypal users, please do NOT use the actual website, email me the order privately from the site and I will send you an invoice which will have the discounted price).

Also, for you racers, pictured here is my quick release lead. I also make a quick release LEASH which is what I use and several of my customers have gone to using now. It's the same quality bronze quick release clip but simply on a leash (4 or 5' length which ever you prefer) instead of the full collar/lead.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coming soon ...

Online collar discount coupons for those who join the blog! Watch to see what joining will get you!!!!

another show weekend

and two more wins (winners bitch/best op sex) on AkaSha and Biggie Smalls got another Reserve. This time I sent the two with my handler friends, Dave and Darla Daugherty as I had my club's race meet to go to. Racing AND showing in one weekend for the SaeSi crew. Racing went well, unfortunately my boys had to be pulled due to nail bed issues for one (Chili) and a couple small toe skin tears (Spankee). Chili seemed fine for Sunday but after one run I pulled him for the same problem. He wasn't pleased and Spank was down right irritated that he wasn't allowed to run at all.

All in all it was a good weekend, tiring but good.

Next weekend, shows in two states (AkaSha is going with my friends and I'm going to a local show). Only a few days to wait!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

AkaSha did well

Well I headed to Lexington this past weekend with several of the dogs. Two were entered Saturday and three on Sunday. Camping out with super friends made it so much fun! I made sure to get an easy up before I headed down this time as I wasn't sure how much shade we'd have and I was SO glad I did! I had a great little set up for the weekend and the dogs enjoyed the shade, fan and their 8' x 8' temporary "back yard".

Let me back up a little bit. Years back when I first started showing dogs I used to go and camp with my mentors/breeders and always had a great time. It's nice being AT the site instead of rushing from and to a hotel every morning and evening. It gives me a chance to relax and also talk to others and pick brains. This weekend was like that - relaxing yet educational, the best of both worlds.

So ok anyway ... my young girl whippet AkaSha won the open class on Saturday and showed very well. No points but still it was good. Biggie Smalls, my 7 mth old Crested boy on the other hand was a little pistol in the ring! He wasn't happy about being on the table, and kept turning around on the move (he LOVES to do spinningspinning tricks). Needless to say he got 2nd out of 2. The other puppy dog who was in his class went on to get reserve and I REALLY liked that puppy so taking 2nd behind him wasn't "painful" at all. He was a lovely pup and very well behaved, a very deserved class win.

Back to our set up, all dogs got time to relax and then eat a good turn out and then my turn to eat. OH MY! We ate with friends and what a WONDERFUL meal! Fried chicken, potatoes and gravy, green beans, on and on. I was stuffed then out comes the desserts and yes I ate a little of each ;). More talks and visiting rounded out the night and then back to our set up and off to shower. A very short sleep unfortunately due to the "neighbor" who liked using flood lights at 445 in the morning topped with his dogs barking the whole time they were out ... every one of the dogs and never did he hush them. Niiiiice! I'm glad we didn't show til much later ;).

Up and at it at 8, dogs pottied and then off to the shower house to brush teeth and so forth. Got going on all the grooming (yes hairless cresteds take quite some time to get ready to show, one must shave their bodies unless they are a *true* hairless which mine are not, close but they have some body hair). Got Biggie ready then the two whippets (I had Spank and Akasha entered Sunday). I ended up having to have a friend show Biggie Smalls. He was a total boob in the ring unfortunately. I felt terrible for my handler friend but there wasn't anything I could do. Dogs will be dogs!

Spank did well, he won the bred by class but no win or reserve. I was still thrilled as that was only his 2nd AKC show. So then it was Kay's turn, she won the Open class again and this time went on to Winners for 2 pts. Back in for Best of Breed/Op/Winners and by golly she got Best of Winners to share a 4 point major! GO KayKay! :) I was THRILLED (obviously). After judging I did get a win photo taken (it will probably turn out terrible but I don't care) and the judge was very complimentary of my girl's movement, topline and even asked the breeding on her (she's 3rd generation for my line).

Back to exercise dogs and start the tear down, packing and finally a couple hours later we were on the road home. I think I floated most of the way ;).

Some weekends are just all around really nice!